
美式数字贸易规则对亚洲经济体参与RTAs的渗透水平研究 被引量:22

American Digital Trade Rules on the RTAs Participated by Asian Economies
摘要 美国是全球数字贸易规则制定的引领者,希望能将雄心水平最高的《美墨加协定》框架下数字贸易规则在WTO框架下进行多边扩展适用。经验研究表明:印度之外的亚洲样本经济体对参与区域数字贸易治理态度积极,但多数情形下样本经济体参与区域数字贸易治理,并不是受到美国的直接推动。亚洲样本经济体对高版本数字贸易规则'美式模板'的接纳水平非常有限。本文预测,在WTO框架数字贸易诸边谈判中,若美国不调整其谈判目标,则谈判将很难取得成果。 The United States is a leader in the development of global digital trade rules.At present,the United States hopes to expand the digital trade rules under the framework of the US-Mexican Agreement which represent the highest level of US ambition to the WTO framework.This paper is devoted to empirical research on the level of penetration of American digital trade rules into representative Asian economies’regional trade arrangements and their causes.The study concluded that Asian sample economies other than India are active in participating in regional digital trade governance.However,in most cases,the participation of sample.economies in regional digital trade governance has not been directly promoted by the United States.The Asian sample economies have very limited acceptance of the high-4 evel digital trade rules which can be called'American template'.Under this circumstance,if the United States does not adjust its negotiation objectives,the digital trade unilateral negotiations under the WTO framework will be difficult to achieve results.
作者 周念利 王千 Zhou Nian-li;Wang Qian
出处 《亚太经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期30-37,150,共9页 Asia-Pacific Economic Review
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“数字贸易规则‘美式模板’的演化升级与扩展适用趋向及中国的应对” 国家自然科学基金委管理科学部2019年第1期应急管理项目“基于维护世界线上市场统一的贸易相关电子商务谈判研究”的阶段性成果
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