Carine Yuk-man Yiu的《位移事件的类型学研究—基于汉语方言的实证调查》一书于2014年在De Gruyter Mouton出版,并获得2014―2015李方桂语言学论著奖。该书在位移事件类型学框架下,以典型的动词框架语(如日语)和卫星框架语(如英语)的表征模式为参照,将定性考察和量化统计相结合、田野调查和早期方言文献考据相结合,全面考察了汉语五大方言位移事件编码模式的异同,并得出如下结论:汉语五大方言均经历了从动词框架语向卫星框架语的历时演变,但演变速率不同,表现为'吴>官>客>闽>粤',且该演变还在继续。该书为汉语方言研究提供了新的范式,是将汉语方言类型学研究推向国际舞台的一部力作。
The Typology of Motion Events:An Empirical Study of Chinese Dialects was published in De Gruyter Mouton,and won 2014–2015 LFK Book Award.This book provides a comprehensive overview to the description of motion events in the five major Chinese dialects from a typological perspective.The quantitative research model and the new set of early dialect materials adopted in this monograph is an innovative trial in the study of Chinese dialects.A conclusion is drawn that,diachronically,all the five Chinese dialects examined have gone through a shift from a verb-framed to a satellite-framed type in their expressions of motion events,but in differentiated rates,to be specific,in a cline of'Wu>Mandarin>Hakka>Min>Yue'.Moreover,this typological change is still ongoing.This monograph provides a new model to the research of Chinese dialects,and would be a milestone in applying modern linguistic theoretical frameworks to Chinese dialectal studies.
Linguistic Research