安南都护府为唐朝六个都护府之一 ,是唐朝管理南部边疆地区的主要机构 ,对于维护唐朝南部边疆的稳定曾经发挥了重要作用。本文从安南都护府的兴衰、历任安南都护的考述、安南都护的选任制度、安南都护府的职责等方面 ,在前人研究的基础上 ,对安南都护府进行了相对系统地探讨。认为安南都护府的统治既有成功之处 ,也有失败的地方。成功之处主要体现在统治相对比较稳定、持续 ,一直到唐末唐王朝仍然在安南地区维持着统治。失败之处在于时有反叛 ,其根源则在于唐朝安南都护的选任制度和管理制度不规范 ,都护更替频繁 ,施政缺乏连续性。
As one of the 6 Supervision Offices of Tang Dynasty and a main organization to administer its southern borderland area, Anan Supervision Office played an important role in guaranteeing the stabilizaton of southern borderland of Tang Dynasty. Based on the research fruits, this paper makes a systemic discussion, such as the rise and decline Annan Supervision Office, the textual research and narration of every Annan Supervisor, the appointment system of Annan Supervisor and the function of Annan Supervision Office. It thinks that the rule of Annan Supervision have both success and failure. The success was that it kept a comparative stable and durative rule which lasted till the end of Tang Dynasty. The failure was that it revolted at times, whose root was that its appointment and management system were not criterion and the frequent subrogation of its supervisor.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies