甘肃省玉门市比家滩古绿洲 ,面积约 310平方公里 ,今地表景观主要为连片分布的遭受严重风蚀的弃耕地 ,并伴有吹扬灌丛沙堆。古绿洲上遗存丰富 ,有火烧沟类型文化遗存、多座汉魏时期的古城遗址等。笔者通过实地调查 。
Bijiatan ancient oasis of Yumen city ,Gansu province is about 310 square kilometres. Its present surface is deserted arable land with sandpiles where bushwoods live. The ancient oasis still preserves many ancient relics, such as Huoshaogou-tye culture ancient relics, quite a few ancient cities of Han and Wei dyanasties. The author ,after deep-going investigation on the spot, makes a careful study on its historical features and the time when the desertification began as well as the cause.
China's Borderland History and Geography Studies