5Wayne Booth,The Rhetoric of Fiction[M] ,Chicago:U of Chicago,1961.
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7Hale, Dorothy J. Henry James and the Invention of Novel Theory[ A]. The Cambridge Companion to Henry James edited by Jonathan Freedman[C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000:79- 101.
8Kettle, Arnold. “Jane Austen: Emma”[A]. Emma an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews and criticism edited by Stephen M. Parrish[C]. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc. 1972:393-399.
9McDonald, Richard. And Very Good Lists They Were: Select Critical Readings of Jane Austen' s Emma[A]. A Compantion to Jane Austen Studies edited by Laura Cooner Lambdin and Robert Thomas Lambdin[C]. USA: Greenwood Press 2000:97- 114.
10Wiltshire, John. Mansfield Park. Emma, Persuasio[A]. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster[C]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2003:58 - 83.