1[1]Edmund Wilson, The Wound and the Bow: Seven Studies in Literature [M]. Boston: Parrar Straus Cirux, 1978.
2[3]Judith Fetterly ,The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction[M]. Bloomington: Un iverisity Press,1981.
3[4]Alan Holder, "The Other Hemingway," Twentieth-Century Literature, 9, (1963).
4[5]Naom M. Grant," The Role of Women in Fiction of Ernest Hemingway," (Ph. D. diss. ), University of Denver, 1968.
5[6]Brain Harding, "Ernest Hemingway: Men With, or Without, Women," American Declarations of Love, ed. , Ann Massa, London: Macmillan Education Ltd. , 1990.
6[7]Ernest Hemingway, By-line: Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four Decades, edited by William while, New York:Scribner's, 1967.
7[8]Ernest Hemingway, "The Art of short story," in Joseph M . Flora, Ernest Hemingway: A Study of the Short Fiction,Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989.
8[9]Paul Smith, New Essays on Hemingway's Short Fiction, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
9[10]Bernice Kert, The Hemingway Women, New York: Norton&co, 1983.