陕西广电双向网建设采用了主流的EPON+EoC技术方案,既考虑了光网络技术成熟、高带宽、易维护、扩展性好等特点,也充分利用了最后1 km的同轴电缆。通过对光节点覆盖不同用户数适用基础网络投资和数据接入设备的分析,推导得出陕西广电双向网EPON+EoC不同网络分光比(对应基础设施)与入户带宽的关系,从而指导工程技术人员选择适宜的设计方案。
Currently Shaanxi mainly has used EPON&EoC technology, which takes into account both the opti-cal network technology is mature, high bandwidth, easy maintenance, good scalability characteristics, and ad-vantages of the last one kilometer of coaxial cables.Based on numbers of users apply different optical node covering the analysis of network investment and data access equipment, two-way radio and television net-works in Shaanxi deduced different network splitting ratio ( corresponding infrastructure ) versus households bandwidth, engineering and technical personnel to guide selection suitable own design.
China Digital Cable TV