目前广电网络双向改造模式是EPON+Eo C,其中Eo C产品大部分使用的标准是Home Plug AV,符合该标准的Eo C产品整个系统吞吐量在300 Mbps左右、时延在20~30 ms之间,在广电网络双改的初期能够满足网络建设和用户宽带的需求,但随着"宽带中国"战略的发布以及广电自身业务的发展,原来使用的Home Plug AV技术组网方式显现出一些局限性。G.hn技术可以解决目前同轴接入网中面临的问题,它是多种媒体介质的统一解决方案,具备高抗干扰性、高带宽、低时延等特点,在广电网络应用场景下,可替代现有的Eo C接入网系统,为终端用户提供千兆接入,同时也是OTT的同轴线缆承载解决方案。
The use of radio and television network bidirectional transformation tech is based on EPON +EoC, which most of EoC products using standard is HomePlugAV,conforms to the standard of the EoC products throughout the system throughput in 300 mbps around,the latency between the 20~30ms,in radio and televi-sion networks to modify the initial period to meet the needs of network construction and broadband users,but with the broadband China strategy of publishing and broadcasting their own business development,the original use HomePlugAV technology network show out some of the limitations of G.hn technology can solve the prob-lems currently facing the coax access network,it is a lot of media of the unified solutions,with high anti-in-terference,high bandwidth,low latency,in radio and television network scenarios,replace the existing EoC access network system and user terminal to provide Gigabit access,but also the coaxial cable OTT bearing so-lution.
China Digital Cable TV