CMTS网络是有线运营商发展宽带业务的常规接入形式,通过option 82技术进行CMTS网络下用户不同宽带业务类型IP地址区分,满足了宽带业务出口层不同的用户流量调度策略需求。结合南京广电现网情况,介绍了option 82在CMTS网络中的使用,以及对市场合作宽带的支撑。
CMTS network is a regular access network of the cable operators when develop the broadband service,through the option 82 technology,CMTS network can Differentiate different types of users broadband from IP address,this meet the broadband service export layer flow scheduling policy needs of different users,supporting the market a variety of broadband business cooperation. This paper has introduced the nanjing CATV network situation now,and the use of CMTS network option 82,as well as support for the broadband market cooperation.
China Digital Cable TV