目的了解2012-2016年青海省报告的新发现HIV/AIDS病例流行特点和趋势,为制定有效的控制措施提供依据。方法对2012-2016年青海省通过国家疾病预防控制信息系统报告的新发现HIV/AIDS病例进行流行病学特征分析,并利用Microsoft Excel 2010、SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。结果 2014-2016年青海省共报告新发现HIV/AIDS病例1 479例,发病呈逐年上升趋势;男性报告1 262例、占85.33%,女性报告217例、占14.67%,男女性别比为5.82∶1;发病集中在20~49岁组性活跃的青壮年人群,共报告1 234例、占83.34%;报告最多的地区是西宁市,共报告1 172例,占79.24%;传播途径以性传播为主,异性和同性性接触传播共1 425例、占96.35%,其中异性传播720例(占48.68%)、同性传播705例(占47.67%);样本来源以检测咨询为主,共460例,占31.30%。结论青海省艾滋病疫情虽然处于低流行态势,但是呈逐步上升趋势,需要各部门建立艾滋病综合防治工作机制,健全艾滋病防治网络,动员全社会参与,采取综合性防治措施,最终达到降低艾滋病在全省流行的目的。
Objective To study the incidence trend and epidemic characteristics of newly detected HIV/AIDS cases in Qinghai Province,provide a scientific basis for developing the HIV/AIDS control strategies.Methods Data concerning newly detected HIV/AIDS cases online reporting system in 2014-2016 were retrospectively analyzed,summarized and analyzed by Microsoft Excel software and SPSS 18.0 software.Results There were 1 479 cases were reported,there is an upward trend in morbidity;1 262 cases were male,accounted for 85.33%,217 cases were female,accounted for 14.67%,and male-to-female ratio was 5.82∶1.Most patients were in 20~49 years old group which was the sexually active population,1 234 cases were reported,accounting for 83.34%;the cases mainly were in area of Xining,1 172 cases were reported in Xining,accounted for 79.24%;1 425 cases were reported cases by sexual contact infection accounted for 96.35%,in which,720 cases were reported by heterosexual contact infection,accounted for 48.68%,705 cases were reported by homosexual contact infection,accounted for47.67%;460 cases were from HIV voluntary counseling&testing,accounted for 31.30%.Conclusion The total reported incidence the newly detected HIV/AIDS cases showed low growth trend in Qinghai Province in 2012-2016,but outbreaks have been gradually rising trend.To control HIV/AIDS,outpatient treatment and intervention among risk population be strengthened and emphasis be put on the control of HIV/AIDS.Mobilizing the whole society to participate in,to carry out the comprehensive prevention and control measures,ultimately achieve the purpose of reduce the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Qinghai Province.
LI Jiping;FAN Ming;SHI Yan;LOU Mali(Qinghai Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Xining810007 ,China)
Journal of Medical Pest Control