

Current Check Evaluation Needs Improvement
摘要 医学院校的领导、教师和学生一直有重视考试课、轻视考查课的倾向.原因之一是考试课用百分制评定考核成绩,并将其作为评选“三好学生”、学位、甚至毕业分配地点与单位的依据;考查课考核成绩只区分及格与不及格两个等级,学习得再好,亦不过是及格. 重视考试课、轻视考查课在领导、教师和学生方面的具体表现为:1.考试课的教研室机构比较健全,考查课教研室往往人员较少,各级人员配备不全.相应的实验室、教学用仪器设备亦有明显差异.2.学院领导对考试课的备课、课堂教学、考核成绩比较关心,对考查课较差.3.排课表时先排考试课,时间亦比较好,多数在上午第一、第二节课。 The current evaluation in the medical education is of two kinds examination that demands registery of the score and check that registers only a "pass" or "fail" in the student's report book. With eight facts as evidence the author points out thht in the college there has always been a tendency of taking examination seriously while treaing check so lightly that the students do not seek thorough understanding in study of those "check subjects" and even bother to finish their check papers so long as they think they have done questions enough to pass a check. Along with the rapidly advancing medical science, various subjects in this field develop in a closely correlative and coorperative way. A medical student can not expect to become a qualified professional unless he studies all subjects conscientiously To correct the tendency the author proposes that a one-hundred-points standard be adopted for check evaluation and a new formula to calculate the term achievement and the graduation achievement. The formula is given as; s=∑s·t/T S-the term achievement or graduation achievement(point) s-the score of each subject (point) t-value of hours for a subject T-ralue of hours in a term or five years For instance, for a student majored in therapeutics, T=3906-the total hours of five years' study t=216-the hours for the subject of internal medicine hence t/T-5.53%, which means that if a student gets 100 points in internal medicine exam, he has earned 5.53 points in the graduation achievement. The value of hours for nuclear and radioactive preventive medicine is 36 (t), hence t/T = 36/3906 = 0.92%; If Student A's check score is 100 points and he has got 0.92 pointsin the graduation achievement, Student B's is 60 points and he has got 0.55 pointsin the graduation achievement, the score difference is jnst 0.37 points, but their places are far apart from each other, which will not be missed by the college authority, teachers and students.
作者 王荣鑫
机构地区 皖南医学院
出处 《中华医学教育杂志》 1985年第10期29-29,19+33-34,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education
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