
双源CTA对椎动脉V_3段变异的诊断价值及临床意义 被引量:1

Diagnostic Value and Clinical Significance of Dual-source CTA for V_3 Segmental Variation of Vertebral Artery
摘要 目的探讨双源CTA对椎动脉V3段变异的诊断价值及临床意义。方法回顾性分析我院2012年7月~2013年1月行头颈部CTA检查的患者215例,重点观察椎动脉V3段的形态、走行及其与邻近结构的关系,综合评估椎动脉V3段的变异。结果全部215例病例中,发现椎动脉V3段行程及分支变异者15例,发生率为7.05%,其中C2节段型椎动脉12例,发生率为5.68%,窗口型椎动脉2例,发生率为0.92%,小脑后下动脉起点下移1例,发生率为0.56%;发现C1后弓椎动脉沟骨桥形成13例,发生率6.05%。结论双源CTA能够很好地显示椎动脉V3段的正常解剖及发现其行程、分支和椎动脉沟桥形成等常见变异,为临床颈部手术或颈性眩晕治疗提供参考,是临床了解椎动脉V3段情况的重要检查手段。 Objective To investigate the diagnostic value and clinical significance of dual-source CTA in the variation of V3 segment of vertebral artery. Methods A retrospective analysis of 215 patients with head and neck CTA examination from July 2012 to January 2013 in our hospital was conducted. The morphology, trajectory and relationship with the adjacent structures of the V3 segment of the vertebral artery were observed.Comprehensive assessment of the variation of the V3 segment of the vertebral artery. Results Among all 215 cases, 15 cases of vertebral artery V3 segment stroke and branch variation were found, the incidence rate was 7.05%, including 12 cases of C2 segmental vertebral artery, the incidence rate was 5.68%, and the window type vertebral artery occurred in 2 cases. The rate was 0.92%, and the origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery was moved down by one case, the incidence rate was 0.56%. After the C1, the vertebral artery sulcus bridge was formed in 13 cases, the incidence rate was 6.05%. Conclusion Dual-source CTA can display the normal anatomy of V3 segment of vertebral artery and find common variations such as stroke,branch and vertebral artery sulcus formation. It provides reference for clinical neck surgery or cervical vertigo treatment. It is a clinical understanding of vertebral artery. An important means of inspection for the V3 segment.
作者 陈耀康 王新宇 CHEN Yao-kang;WANG Xin-yu(CT Room,Radiography Department,Medical Imaging Center,Panzhihua Central Hospital,Panzhihua 617067,Sichuan,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2019年第4期158-159,162,共3页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 椎动脉V3段 变异 体层摄影术 V3 segment of vertebral artery Variation Tomography
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