
急性脑梗死侧支循环建立的神经影像学评估 被引量:2

Evaluation of neuroimaging study of collateral circulation in patients with acute cerebral infarction
摘要 急性脑梗死作为日常生活中较为常见的一种神经系统疾病,其发病的原因主要包括高血压血管动脉硬化和动脉粥样硬化,其中动脉粥样硬化是急性脑梗死的主要发病机制。目前,侧支循环在确定和评估急性脑梗死预后中扮演着重要的角色。基于此,本研究分析了侧支循环建立对急性脑梗死神经功能及预后的影响,并探讨了神经影像学评估在确定侧支循环建立中的价值和意义,以此为基础,对神经影像学几种主要评估方法进行了阐述,尤其是对其优缺点进行了归纳,以期为急性脑梗死患者的治疗和预后提供有效的指导和支持。 A disease of the nervous system in acute cerebral infarction as the daily life of the more common causes of the disease include hypertension arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, and atherosclerosis is the main pathogenesis of acute cerebral infarction. At present, in the determination and evaluation of collateral circulation plays an important role in the prognosis of acute cerebral infarction. Based on this, this study analysis the establishment of collateral circulation effect on acute cerebral infarction and prognosis, and to explore the neural imaging evaluation in determining the value and significance of the establishment of collateral circulation in, on the basis of neuroimaging, several evaluation methods were introduced, especially on the Advantages and disadvantages are summarized in order to provide effective guidance and support for the treatment and prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction
作者 王东明
出处 《影像研究与医学应用》 2017年第11期3-5,共3页 Journal of Imaging Research and Medical Applications
关键词 急性脑梗死 侧支循环 神经影像学评估 Acute cerebral infarction Collateral circulation Neuroimaging evaluation
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