Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of echocardiography in early infants and young children patent ductus arteriosus.. Methods Methods 118 cases of clinically suspected infants and young children's born age was 24 h ~ 1.5 years, which had heart murmurs in medical clinical auscultation area. In clinical drug treatment 3 to 5 days, echocardiography was rechecked after three times again, and the dynamic observation of neonatal arterial catheter closure. s again, and the dynamic observation of neonatal arterial catheter closure. Results Results In 118 cases of clinical suspected patent ductus arteriosus infants and young children, there was 76 cases of simple PDA, 18 cases of PDA merge pulmonary hypertension, 3 cases of PDA combined pulmonary stenosis, 2 cases of PDA with ventricular septal defect, 16 cases of PDA merger atrial septal defect, 3 cases of PDA combined pulmonary atresia. After 3 to 5 days of clinical drug therapy, we found that the many infants artery catheter can be shut down naturally. n be shut down naturally. Conclusion Conclusion History artery catheter no closed of infants and young children by heart echocardiography can clear heart murmur of reason, for clinical drug treatment at the same time, the dynamic testing arterial catheter closing time, which has important value for diagnosis of PDA.
Journal of Imaging Research and Medical Applications
Infants and young children
Ultrasonic cardiogram
Patent ductus arteriosus s and young children
Ultrasonic cardiogram
Patent ductus arteriosus