作为国家实现其管理能力的实施机构体系 ,国家教育权力系统宏观地调控大学校长的办学行为 ;作为肩负着提升人类物质生活质量和精神生活质量双重使命的大学领导者 ,学术自由和大学自治是大学校长必须坚守的价值取向。树立系统观念 ,明确教育理念 ,把握合理的紧张尺度 ,培养良好的素质修养 ,保持不断改革创新的精神是当今我国大学校长应对自身矛盾处境的良策。
As the educational power system of the state is a series of implementation institution of the national management, it will macro-affects the ideas and actions of the president for running a school. As a leader of a university,the president undertakes the double mission to improve material and spiritual living conditions of the people, the president has to adhere to the principle of academic freedom and university autonomy. The nice tactics for our presidents to have to take today are to foster system sense and to be clear educational idea and to grasp rational tense yardstick and to develop good quality and to maintain continuous reformatory and innovative spirit.
Modern University Education