一、人才建设的关键是自己培养人才 ,而培养人才的关键是识才于未遇、而拔之于卑贱之时 ;既成的人才往往是待价而沽的不稳定资源 ,自己培养的人才才是稳定资源。二、国民的荣耀观、特别是大学教授等知识分子的荣耀观 ,决定民族文化品质的高低与民族综合力量的强弱 ;荣耀观是通过教育。
The central task of human resources construction is resources development, and the essence of human resources development is to discover and support potentials in the early stage of their development; those who have already established themselves are always resources of uncertainty, while resources of certainty are often formed with those planted and established by the developer. 2. National idea of glory, especially the idea of such intellectuals as professors at universities, decides the greatness of the national culture and the national strength; and the idea of glory is formed and spread by education, especially by higher education in given cultural context.
Modern University Education