
“普通话”从何而来?——清官话、北京话和民初国语 被引量:4

Seeking the Origin of Modern Standard Chinese:Qing Dynasty Mandarin,the Beijing Dialect,and the National Language of Republican China(1912-1949)
摘要 清朝时期,北京话虽然已经与满语一道成为宫廷用语,但作为官话语言标准,它在全国范围内的接受程度却十分有限,即使到了19世纪末的晚清时期,也仍未获得广泛认同。其时,人们所崇尚的是一种渊源更深、历史更久的复合官话通语形式,就如清代李汝珍在《李氏音鉴》中所呈之音系。20世纪初期,一种与之相似的复合官话形式曾一度成为中国之'国音',即所谓的'蓝青官话',其音系杂糅五方,兼具多地官话方言特征,尽管这正是它的创设初衷,却终因不似京音(即北京音)标准纯粹而饱受诟病。复合官话标准的演变和发展,不仅为我们揭示了19世纪至20世纪早期中国人的语言态度,也为标准汉语的界定以及共同语标准的制定问题提供了诸多启示。20世纪30年代,中华民国教育部正式开始推广以北京音为标准的'新国音',至此,作为官定语音标准,北京音开始逐渐获得广泛接受。但与此同时,新国音还受到了一种名为'拉丁化新文字'的混合方音正字方案的有力竞争。直至20世纪50年代,中华人民共和国明确宣布以北京音为标准音之后,北京话的基础地位才得以最终稳固确立下来。 In the Qing Dynasty, although the Beijing dialect was spoken at court together with Manchu, its influence as the standard for Guanhua(literally 'official language ') was rather limited across the broader Chinese territory. Even in the late 19th century, it was still not widely accepted. At that time the preference was for a mixed type Guanhua koiné that had deep historical origins, such as the phonology represented in Li Ruzhen’s Li Shi Yinjian. In the early years of the 20th century, a form of mixed Guanhua similar to Li’s was designated as the 'National Pronunciation', which was known as Lanqing Guanhua, due to its mixed nature and combination of elements from a number of different Mandarin dialects. Though its mixed nature was the original intention of its design, the old National Pronunciation ultimately was denounced because it lacked the purity of the Beijing dialect. The evolution and development of the mixed standard for Guanhua not only reveals aspects of Chinese sociolinguistic attitudes in the 19th and early 20th centuries, but also tells us much about the problems concerning the establishment of a common standard for the Chinese language. In the 1930s, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China(1912-1949) officially promulgated the Beijing dialect as the basis for the New National Pronunciation. After that, the pronunciation of the Beijing dialect gradually became much more widely accepted. But at the same time it had to compete with a newly emerging mixed form of Chinese called Latinxua Sin Wenz(Latinized New Writing). The situation was not definitively resolved until the 1950s when the government of the People’s Republic of China unequivocally proclaimed the Beijing pronunciation as the standard, firmly and finally settling the issue.
作者 史皓元 张艳红 单秀波 Richard VanNess Simmons;Zhang Yanhong;Shan Xiubo;Department of Asian Languages and Cultures,Rutgers University;The Lawrenceville School
出处 《语言规划学研究》 2016年第2期5-21,共17页 Journal of Language Planning
关键词 北京音 北音 官话 国音 南音 普通话 通语 Beijing dialect Northern Mandarin Guanhua National Pronunciation Southern Mandarin Putonghua Mandarin koiné(Chinese lingua franca)
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