Objective To know the viewpoint of health staffs in Shenzhen on the problem of the difficulties and high expense in seeing a doctor and collect the related information and suggestion. Methods Using the method of the theme group interviewing,health staffs were interviewed,which work in the municipal hospitals,district hospitals and the community health service centers. Results There are different viewpoints between health staffs on the problem the difficulties and high expense in seeing a doctor in Shenzhen. Some people think there are not too difficulties to see a doctor in Shenzhen,but other people think there is a little difficult in some extent. Most people investigated think high expense in seeing a doctor exists objectively. All people investigated think the difficulties and high expense in seeing a doctor is a social problem in fact,and present the viewpoint,namely the problem only is concentrated in medical institutions and not form here.They also present many different views and relative measures. Conclusion The problem of the difficulties and high expense in seeing a doctor must be solved effectively through the endeavor of the whole social.For example,to strengthen the government investment in health,change the operation mechanism of medical institutions,perfectthe medical security system,change the conception of seeing a doctor and enhance the construction of community health service system and so on.
Chinese Hospital Management
difficulties and high expense in medical care,focus group discussion,doctors