Some authors employed the method and technique of differential inequalities to obtain fairly general results concerning the existence and asymptotic behavior, as ?-n+ , of the solutions of scalar boundary value problemsIn this paper, we extend these results to vector boundary value problems, under analogous stability conditions on the solution u = u(t) of the reduced equation 0 = h(t, u) Two types of asymptotic behavior are studied, depending on whether the reduced solution u(f) has or does not have a con tinuous first derivative in (a, b) leading to the phenomena of boundary and angular layers.
Some authors employed the method and technique of differential inequalities to obtain fairly general results concerning the existence and asymptotic behavior, as ?-n+ , of the solutions of scalar boundary value problemsIn this paper, we extend these results to vector boundary value problems, under analogous stability conditions on the solution u = u(t) of the reduced equation 0 = h(t, u) Two types of asymptotic behavior are studied, depending on whether the reduced solution u(f) has or does not have a con tinuous first derivative in (a, b) leading to the phenomena of boundary and angular layers.