目的了解云南省口腔卫生资源配置状况,分析口腔卫生资源配置存在的主要问题,为政府决策提供科学依据。方法调查利用中国疾控中心流行病学动态数据采集平台(EDDC),各级疾控中心经统一培训,指定调查员通过走访相关单位收集上报数据。数据采用SPSS 17.0进行统计分析。结果 1云南省公立医疗机构有口腔医师1 948名,其中县级以上医疗机构为1 145名,基层为803名。口腔医师人口比为4.2/10万人口。2全省基层医疗机构中,具有口腔执业资格的医师为712人,持证上岗率为88.67%,其中怒江州无口腔执业医师,文山州、普洱市、大理州持证上岗率均在70%以下。3全省共有3 344家基层医疗机构,其中507家设有口腔科,占基层医疗机构总数的15.16%,全省每个县区平均有3.9个设有口腔科的基层医疗机构,其中昆明市达到35.1个,怒江州、昭通市、临沧市和版纳州均在1个以下。4全省基层医疗机构共有综合治疗台1 042台,每10万人对应综合治疗台数为2.3台,其中昆明市、玉溪市、德宏州和迪庆州每10万人对应治疗台数为10.2、4.9、3.5和3.3台,其余州市均低于全省平均水平。结论云南省口腔卫生资源区域分布较不均衡,口腔医师数量存在较大缺口。应充分利用基层医疗卫生机构现有平台,加强基层医疗卫生机构口腔服务能力建设,完善人才引进机制,以改变口腔卫生资源分配不均、服务能力不够以及服务可及性不足的现状。
Objective To investigate the situation of oral health resources allocation in Yunnan Province;to analyze the primary problems and their causes existing in oral health resource allocation,and to provide scientific basis for government decision-making.Methods Data was used from the China CDC Epidemiology Dynamic Data Collection(EDDC) platform.Data from this platform were collected from investigators trained by either national or local CDC,and they visited the local administration of public health and related medicine departments to collect information and fill out questionnaires.SPSS 17.0was used to analyze the data.Results There were 1 948 dentists in public medical institutions in Yunnan province,of which 1 145 were from above county level institutions and 803 were from below.Average dentist rate was 4.2 per 100 000 people.Among dentists from below county level institutions,712 were qualified oral physicians which accounted 88.67% of overall.Nujiang had no qualified oral physician,and the rate among Wenshan,Puer,Dali were all below 70%.There were 3 344 primary medical institutions in Yunnan Province,among them 507 had dental department accounting 15.16% of overall.Average number of dental department for every county among the whole province was 3.9,and 35.1 in Kunming,and for Nujiang,Zhaotong,Lincang,and Xishuangbanna were all below 1.There were total1 042 dental units among the whole province.The rate for dental units was 2.3 per 100 000 people.The rate for Kunming,Yuxi,Dehong,and Diqing was 10.2,4.9,3.5 and 3.3 respectively,and the rates for other cities were all lower than the provincial average.Conclusions Oral health resources in Yunnan Province were unevenly distributed in different regions,and there was a large gap between the present quantity of dentists and the needs.In order to improve current situation,existing primary health care institutions should be fully developed,oral service from disadvantaged areas should be strengthen,and mechanism of introducing qualified dentists should be improved.
Chronic Pathematology Journal
Oral health
Health resources