
1990年与2013年福建省交通伤害疾病负担研究 被引量:4

Disease burden of transport injuries in 1990 and 2013 for Fujian Province
摘要 目的分析1990年与2013年福建省交通伤害的疾病负担及变化趋势。方法利用2013年全球疾病负担研究结果,描述福建省交通伤害疾病负担状况。结果 2013年福建省因交通伤害死亡7 890人,死亡率为20.55/10万,标化死亡率为19.45/10万;交通伤害导致的过早死亡寿命损失寿命年(YLL)为34.05万人年,伤残损失寿命年(YLD)为4.64万人年,伤残调整寿命年(DALY)为38.69万人年。交通伤害主要损伤类型为行人伤害、摩托车伤害和机动车伤害。交通伤害造成的疾病负担不断上升,标化死亡率上升了10.57%,从1990年17.59/10万上升到2013年19.45/10万,DALY由1990年31.16万人年上升至2013年38.69万人年,上升了24.17%。交通伤害DALY负担最高的年龄段为20~24岁,其次是25~29岁。结论福建省交通伤害死亡率和疾病负担不断升高,要采取措施,针对交通伤害重点人群、主要损伤类型进行重点防控,减轻交通伤害造成的损失。 Objective To analyze the status and trend of traffic injuries in 1990 and 2013 for Fujian Province. Methods Results of the Global Burden of Diseases Study 2013(GBD 2013) were used to analyze the disease burden of traffic injuries in Fujian Province. Results In 2013, a total of 7 890 people died of traffic injuries. The crude death rate of Fujian Province was 20.55/100 000 and the standardized death rate was 19.45/100 000; the YLL due to traffic injuries was 34.05×104person years.The YLD due to traffic injuries was 4.64×104person years and the DALY due to traffic injuries was38.69×104person years. Traffic injuries were mainly caused by pedestrian injuries, motorcyclist injuries and motor vehicle injuries. The burden attributable to transport injury increased quickly, the standardized death rate increased from 17.59/100 000 to 19.45/100 000, up 10.57%; the DALY increased from31.16×104person years to 38.69×104person year, up to 24.17%. The disease burden of traffic injuries topped at the group aged 20-24, followed by group aged 25-29. Conclusion The death motality and disease burden attributable to traffic injuries in Fujian Province increased in recent years. Targeted prevention and control measures should be taken among the focus groups and main injury types to reduce the loss which were caused by traffic injuries.
出处 《慢性病学杂志》 2017年第6期630-632,637,共4页 Chronic Pathematology Journal
关键词 交通伤害 流行特征 疾病负担 Transport Injury Epidemiological characteristics Burden of disease
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