目的探讨泉州地区过敏性疾病患者过敏原种类分布及流行特征,为该类疾病的防治提供参考。方法采用免疫印迹法检测1 998例过敏性疾病患者血清中过敏原特异性。结果 1 998例过敏性疾病患者过敏原阳性人数为1 159例,阳性率58.01%,吸入性过敏原阳性率较高的有尘螨、蟑螂,食入性过敏原阳性率较高的有螃蟹、海鱼组合;不同性别过敏原总阳性率、吸入性过敏原阳性率及食入性过敏原阳性率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);18岁以下年龄组的三种阳性率高于其他年龄组,分别为67.93%、45.36%及48.73%;春季三种阳性率高于其他三个季节,分别为68.12%、45.50%及51.67%。结论泉州地区过敏性疾病的主要过敏原种类是尘螨、蟑螂、螃蟹、海鱼组合;不同年龄、不同季节及不同种类的过敏原阳性率存在差异。
Objective To understand the species and distribution and characteristics of allergen in patients with allergic disease in Quanzhou area, so as to provide reference for prevention and treatment.Methods The serum levels of allergens in 1 159 cases of patients was detected by Western blotting method. Results Totally 1 159 cases of patients presented positive reaction, the positive rate was 58.01%. In the inhaled allergens, the most common allergens were mite and cockroach. In ingested allergens, crab and fish mixture was in the majority. The positives rate of total allergen, inhaled allergens and food allergens were no difference between different genders. In the group of <18 years old,the positive rates of total allergens, inhaled allergens and food allergens were 67.93%, 45.36% and 48.73% which were higher than those in other age group. The positives rate of total allergens, inhaled allergens and food allergens were 68.12%, 45.50% and 51.67% in spring which were all higher than those in other seasons. Conclusion The main allergens are mite, cockroach, crab and fish mixture in Quanzhou area. There are different allergens in different ages or different seasons or different species.
Chronic Pathematology Journal