
晚熟苹果新品种 ‘山农红’ 被引量:8

A New Late Ripening Apple Cultivar ‘Shannonghong'
摘要 ‘山农红’苹果是从‘国光’芽变中选出的新品种。果实中等大小,扁圆形,平均单果质量182.9 g,大者可达260 g;果面光滑,底色黄绿,充分着色时全果面鲜红色,着色指数明显高于‘国光’;果肉黄白色,质地细密而脆,果汁中多,酸甜适口,含可溶性固形物14.5%,味浓,有芳香,品质上等;在山东牟平10月中下旬成熟,果实发育期180 d左右。盛果期产量118.8 t·hm-2,抗性与‘国光’相近。 ‘Shannonghong'is a new late ripening cultivar selected from the apple cultivar‘Ralls'. The fruit is middle big,nearly round in shape,the average fruit weight is 182.9 g,and the biggest one is 260 g. The fruit has smooth surface,with yellow-white in background colour and bright red on all surface when full colouring. The colouring index is significantly higher than‘Ralls'. The flesh is white,delicate tender and agreeable to the taste in sour and sweet with rich flavour. The soluble solids content is 14.5%. The fruit has excellent quality. The fruit maturity period is about 180 days. During the fruit highest producing stage,the fruit yield is 118.8 t · hm-2. The resistance of‘Shannonghong'is close to that of ‘Ralls'.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1503-1504,共2页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2011CB100606) 国家自然科学基金项目(31171932) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201303093) 山东省农业良种工程重大课题[鲁农良种字(2013)1号]
关键词 苹果 品种 apple cultivar
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