就建筑火灾时人的避难心理行为模式进行了研究 ,讨论了人在疏散过程中可能的行为方式 ;比较分析了常见的水平通道组织形式 ;提出了标准通道宽度、首层出入口总宽度和楼梯总宽度的新的参考计算方法及疏散楼梯不便靠外墙布置时自然排烟的方式。
When people are in fire in buildings,Raises the most possible behaviour patterns when people are in evacuated;Analyses the organization forms and characters of the common horizontal passageways on the typical floor;Supplies the new calculating methods about the passageways width of the typical floor,and the total widty of the first of the typical floor,and the total width of the first floor'exit,and the total width of the stairs;Recommends the plan of sending out smoke by nature when the evacuation stairs are not suitalbe to be set up out of the wall.
Fire Science and Technology