
Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Two Rhacophorus Species Endemic to Mainland Japan

Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Two Rhacophorus Species Endemic to Mainland Japan
摘要 We conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of Japanese Rhacophorus species, especially of R. schlegelii and R. arboreus from the mainland, based on samples encompassing their known distribution ranges, and discussed about evolutionary history of Rhacophorus species within Japan. The common ancestor of Japanese Rhacophorus, except for R. owstoni from southern Ryukyus, was estimated to have diverged from a lineage occurring mainly in China about 7 MYBP. Both R. schlegelii and R. arboreus are genetically largely divergent between regions of eastern and western Japan, and this seems to have been promoted mainly by retreat to refugia. Retreats of the two species to different refugia sometimes in the past seem to have led restricted distribution of R. schlegelii in eastern and R. arboreus in western Japan, and brought their intraspecific variation patterns in morphology and breeding habit. We conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of Japanese Rhacophorus species, especially of R. schlegelii and R. arboreus from the mainland, based on samples encompassing their known distribution ranges, and discussed about evolutionary history of Rhacophorus species within Japan. The common ancestor of Japanese Rhacophorus, except for R. owstoni from southern Ryukyus, was estimated to have diverged from a lineage occurring mainly in China about 7 MYBP. Both R. schlegelii and R. arboreus are genetically largely divergent between regions of eastern and western Japan, and this seems to have been promoted mainly by retreat to refugia. Retreats of the two species to different refugia sometimes in the past seem to have led restricted distribution of R. schlegelii in eastern and R. arboreus in western Japan, and brought their intraspecific variation patterns in morphology and breeding habit.
出处 《Asian Herpetological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第2期86-104,共19页 亚洲两栖爬行动物研究(英文版)
基金 partly supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Monbukagakusho through the JSPS (Nos. 10041166, 20405013, and 23405014) a grant from The U. S. National Geographic Society (No. 4505-91) to MM
关键词 GLACIAL period MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DIFFERENTIATION REFUGIA Rhacophorus arboreus Rhacophorus schlegelii glacial period mitochondrial DNA differentiation refugia Rhacophorus arboreus Rhacophorus schlegelii
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