本文研究了同位素7Li和6Li在几个方面的性质差异.用相对论量子力学计算指出,6Li的电子能级比7Li的能级低,同时,对电偶极E(1)和磁偶极M(1)的能级跃迁波长,6Li的跃迁波长都要比7Li的长.由于7Li和6Li的核自旋的大小不同,可以看出在磁场2万高斯和温度100-20 K之间,7Li的磁极化比6Li的约大13倍.7Li和6Li的磁极化这种差异,也是一种可能的同位素7Li/6Li的分离方法.
The diverse of isotopes7 Li and6Li was examined on the several respects. The calculations of relativistic quantum mechanics shows that the energy levels of6 Li are lower than that of7 Li,and therefore the transitional wave length of E( 1) and M( 1) for6 Li are longer than that of7 Li. The variation of couple constant due to the different nuclear spin of7 Li and6Li could be as a basis for the isotope separation between7 Li and6Li. Ratio of the molar intensity of magnetization of7 Li to6Li is about 13 under 100-20 K and 20,000 gauss,which is favorable to separate out6 Li.
Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics