2003年11月25日在山西省洪洞县甘亭镇发生了ML5.0地震,地震发生后,由中国地震局、山西省地震局、山西省临汾市地震局联合组成的现场工作队,对这次地震进行了科学考察,经调查,宏观震中位于洪洞县甘亭镇北羊獬与南羊獬一带,截止到2003年12月1日共记录到余震44次,认为,该次地震的发震断裂为罗云山断裂,该地震区共划为 , , 三个烈度区, 度区走向北北东,面积25km2,所造成的经济损失为54.94万元。
An earthquake of M_L5.0 shocked Ganting town of Hongtong,Shanxi on Nov.25,2003.An earthquake site investigation was taken by a united group,consisting of China Seismological Bureau,Seismological Bureau of Shanxi Province and Seismological Bureau of Linfen City of Shanxi Province,after the earthquake.The result of survey shows that the macro-epicenter is located at the place between Yangxie and south Yangxie of north Ganting town,Hongtong County.There were 44 aftershocks up to Dec.1,2003.It is thought that the seismogenic fault is Loyun mountain fault.Three earthquake intensity zones,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ respectively were worked out.The strike of intensity zone ⅥV is in the direction of NNE,with the area of 25 km^2.The economic loss caused by the shock is 549,400 RMB.
Earthquake Research in Shanxi