
甲壳低聚糖对NOD鼠糖尿病的预防作用 被引量:3

The Effect of Chitooligosaccharides on Preventing the On set of Diabetes in NOD Mice
摘要 目的 :探讨甲壳低聚糖对NOD鼠糖尿病的预防作用机制。方法 :将 5周龄未发病的NOD小鼠分为糖尿病预防组和对照组。预防组用 3 %甲壳低聚糖溶液作饮用水 ,对照组用冷开水作饮用水 ,连续 15周 ,定期测血糖 ,称体重 ,实验末计算糖尿病的发病率 ,HE染色观察胰岛炎。结果 :对照组 12周龄即出现高血糖 ,而预防组至实验结束仅有少数出现高血糖 ,两组相比具有显著差异性 (P <0 0 1)。NOD鼠预防组糖尿病发病率 (2 5% )低于对照组 (79% ) (P <0 0 5) ,同时减轻胰岛炎的严重程度 (P <0 0 5)。结论 :甲壳低聚糖对NOD鼠糖尿病的确有预防作用 ,其机制可能与甲壳低聚糖的非特异性免疫调节作用 ,及抗氧化等有关。 Objective:To explore the effect of chitooligosaccharide s on preventing the onset of diabetes in NOD mice.Methods: 5-week-old NOD mice were divided into a diabetic preventing group and a diabetic control gr oup.The preventing group and the control group received 3% chitooligosaccharides and cool water as drinking water for 15 weeks respectively.Then these mice were measured blood glucose and body weight.At the end of the experiment,the inciden ce of diabetes was investigated in NOD mice,insulitis was observed by HE stainin g.Results:In the control group,these 12-week-old mice appeared hyper g lycemia.However,in the preventing group,only a few mice had appeared hyperglycem ia by the end of the test.The blood glucose level in the diabetic preventing group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P<0 01).The i ncidence of diabetes in the preventing group was 25% which was lower than 79% in the control group (P<0 05),and the degree of insulitis was also less tha n that in the control group (P<0 05).Conclusion:Chitooligosacc harides prevents NOD mice from developing type 1 diabetes,which may be related t o immunopotentiation and antioxidation of chitooligosaccharides.
机构地区 南华大学
出处 《医学理论与实践》 2004年第1期1-3,共3页 The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice
关键词 甲壳低聚糖 NOD鼠 糖尿病 预防作用 Chitooligosaccharides,Type 1 diabetes,NOD mice
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