
基于DSP的海水氨氮测量仪 被引量:2

Measuring Probe of Ammonia—Nitrogen in Seawater Based DSP
摘要 本文详细介绍了采用NH3/PH/T复合电极测量海水中氨氮的原理。该方法可消除海水PH值和温度T的影响 ,而且采用氨气敏电极可以减小海水中K+ ,Na+ ,Mg+ ,Al+ 等离子的干扰。仪器采用DSP做微处理器具有耗电小、运算速度快的特点。实验结果表明 ,该仪器精度优于 1 0 % ,可以满足在线测量的要求。 In this paper principle of NH 3/PH/T combined of ammonia —nitrogen in the seawater is presented in detail. This method can eliminate the effect of PH and temperature. Using gas ammonia electrode can reduce the interfere of K+,Na+, Mg+,Al+, etc. Measuring probe uses Digital Signal Processor (DSP) as microprocessor. It has advantages of less power comsumption and fast operating speed. The experiment shows that this system has an accuracy of 10%.
出处 《电子测量与仪器学报》 CSCD 2003年第4期43-45,共3页 Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
关键词 海水氨氮测量仪 DSP 复合电极 数字信号处理器 环境监测 Ammonia—nitrogen,NH3/PH/T combined electrode,digital signal processor (DSP).
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