以 37个针阔叶树种的 10项理化性质数据为研究资料 ,通过对评价树种抗火性的A I D 方法和梯度分析法的比较研究 ,揭示了这两种方法的优点及不足之处 ,据此 ,提出运用梯度值来作为A I D 方法预测值的新思路 ,并用此综合方法从理化性质角度对 37个树种的抗火性进行了综合评价。
Taking 10 items of physical and chemical properties of 37 tree species as basic data, two approaches for assessing the fire resistance, namely (automatic interaction detection)and gradient analysis were studied. A new idea of using the gradient value as the predictive value of A. I. D. was proposed. The fire resistances of these 37 tree species were comprehensively assessed from the physical and chemical points of view.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology