19世纪末 2 0世纪初 ,是中国新旧交替的“过渡时代” ,社会内部的变化及王朝末年的病症接踵而起 ;184 0年后列强入侵 ,更是“数千年未有之变局”。在这样的社会大背景下 ,清末民变既是传统民变的延续 ,其原因、目的、形式、口号可在历代历朝的造反中找到先例 ;但近代社会转型以及西学东渐、欧风美雨的濡染 。
China experienced its “time of transition” in ea rly 1900s. Changes within the society, “symptoms” of the Qing dynastys last days, and invasions of foreign powers after 1840, resulted in its turbulent situation. Under such a soc ial background, a popular revolt during the late Qing period was a continuation of t he traditional civil commotion since its causes, goals, manifestations and slogans could be found in precedent rebellions of all past dynasties. The modern social transi tion and influence of Western countries, however, provoked various new popular revolt s.
Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)