
富岗绿色鲜苹果产地环境质量评价 被引量:8

Evaluation of environment quality of free-pollutant FUGANG fresh apple growing area
摘要 按照国标 (GB T 1 840 7.2 - 2 0 0 1 )《农产品安全质量无公害水果产地环境要求》 ,于 2 0 0 0— 2 0 0 2年连续对富岗绿色鲜苹果产地的环境质量进行了监测评价 ,测定结果表明 :农田灌溉水中 ,氯化物的污染指数为 0 .0 8,氰化物的污染指数为 0 .0 0 4 ,氟化物的污染指数为 0 .0 5 ,总汞的污染指数为 0 .0 1 2 ,总砷的污染指数为 0 .1 ,总铅的污染指数为 0 .0 5 ,总镉的污染指数为 0 .1 ,铬 (六价 )的污染指数为 0 .0 2 ,全部数值均远小于 1 ,综合污染指数仅仅为 0 .41 6 ;土壤质量各项指标当中 ,以总镉污染指数最高 ,为 0 .57,也远小于国标指标。综合污染指数 0 .2 1 2 ;大气质量总悬浮物污染指数为 0 .2 4 ,二氧化硫污染指数为 0 .0 2 4 ,氮氧化合物污染指数为 0 .0 4 2 ,氟化物污染指数为 0 .1 2 3 ,大气综合质量为一级 ;森林覆盖率 64 % ,周围没有排放污染气体的工厂 ,没有重要交通干道 ,空气清新 ,土壤、水源没有污染。具有良好的生产绿色果品的生态环境条件。 According to national standard (GB/T 18407.2-2001 )'Free-pollutant fr uits growing area requirement for safe quality farm products production',envir o nment quality of free-pollutant FUGANG fresh apple growing area had been monitor ed and evaluated from 2000 to 2002. The re-sultsshowedthat in the irrigation water, thepo llution index of chloridewas0.08, cyanidewa s 0.004, fluoride was 0.05 , total me rcury was 0.012, total arsenic was 0.1, total lead was 0.05, total cadmium was 0.1, Cr 6+ was 0.02. All these data were less than 1, and the c ompreh ensive pollution index was only 0.416. Among the soil quality indexes, the pollu tion index of total cadmium was 0.57, and it was the highest one, but it was low er than national index. The comprehensive pollution index was 0.212. The polluti on index of total suspension in the air was 0.24, and pollution index of sulfur dioxide gas was 0.024, nitrogen oxides was 0.042, fluoride was 0.123. The compos ite quality of air was grade A. The rate of forest cover age was 64%. Around th e orchard, there were no factories that discharged poisonous gases into the air , and the re were also no main roads. The air was pure and fresh,the soil and the source o f water were not polluted. The ecological environment was very suitable for free -pollutant fruit production.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期37-39,共3页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
基金 河北省科技攻关课题的部分内容 (0 0 2 2 0 1 1 7D - 1 )
关键词 富岗绿色苹果 产地环境 质量评价 农田灌溉 污染指数 free-pollutant apple air quality soil quality ir rigation water quality ecological condition
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