
重症监护病房中革兰阴性菌耐药机制及抗菌药物应用对策 被引量:3

Drug-resistance mechanisms of Gram-negative bacilli in intensive care unit and the strategies for application of antimicrobial drugs
摘要 革兰阴性菌(G-菌)主要耐药机制有以下三方面:使药物失活、阻止药物到达作用靶、药物作用靶位改变。G-菌感染用药对策包括:尽量减少抗生素不适当应用,尽早应用有针对性的敏感抗生素。本文通过分析重症监护病房中G-菌耐药机制及抗菌药物应用对策,为临床合理用药提供参考。 Drug resistance of Gram-negative bacilli has been developed through the following three basic mechanisms: drug inactivation by producing enzymes, prevention of drug access to the target, and alternation of the drug target. Application strategies of medicine include minimizing inappropriate use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and optimal use of appropriate antibiotics as early as possible. Drug-resistance mechanisms of Gram-negative bacteria and the application of antibiotics in intensive care unit are introduced in order to give reference for clinical rational application of antibiotics.
作者 黄静霞 黄怡
出处 《药学服务与研究》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期256-258,共3页 Pharmaceutical Care and Research
关键词 耐药性 细菌 抗菌药 重症监护室 drug resistance bacteria antibiotic intense care unit
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