以航空机载设备的维护测试为目标,采用目前国际测控领域流行的VXI测试总线硬件结构和Lab-win dows/CVI虚拟仪器软件开发平台,研制了QZD-1机载设备综合测试系统。重点介绍了QZD-1机载设备综合测试系统的组成,数据库管理软件和测试软件等系统软件的设计,专家诊断系统的构思与实现.该系统具有通用性,综合性,自动化程度高,故障覆盖率和诊断准确率较高等特点.
Aiming at testing and maintaining the airborne equipment, QZD-1 airborne equipment comprehensive testing system has been developed with the adoption of VXI bus-testing hardware architecture and Lab-windows/CVI virtual equipment software development platform. This paper introduces the composition of the system, the design of data-base management software, testing software and the realization of diagnosing system. It has characteristics of the high generality, the high integrity and the high level of automation etc. and can be widely used with a high rate of identifying and correcting errors.
Journal of Lanzhou Railway University