目的 观察舌下给药口服螨液免疫 (脱敏 )治疗过敏性哮喘的效果。方法 42例患者随机分观察组 2 2例 ,对照组 2 0例。对照组按常规给予治疗 ,观察组在常规治疗基础上采用逐日递增法加服螨液 ,半年为 1疗程。疗程结束后进行症状评分、FEV1 %测定、血清螨sIgE检测。结果 症状评分 :观察组治疗后 ( 0 .8± 0 .4)分与对照组 ( 1 .8±0 .4)分对比有非常显著差异(P <0 0 1 )。FEV1 %观察组治疗后为 ( 86± 4%) ,对照组为 ( 65± 6%) ,两组对比差异很明显(P <0 0 1 )。血清螨sIgE :观察组转阴率为 83 %,对照组为 1 0 %,两者对比有非常显著差异(P <0 0 1 )。结论 螨液舌下给药口服脱敏对于控制患者临床症状 ,改善肺功能 ,促使螨slgE转阴 。
Objective To observe the effect of hypoglottis oral medicationby using peroral acarican water to treat bron-chial asthma.Methods The 42 patients were divided into 2 groups. The therapy group has 22 cases, thecondol group has 20 cases. The control group was treated with rolltinemethod, the therapy group was not only treated with rouline method formally, but also given the treatment of peroral acarican water by hypoglottis oralmedication, and the dosage was added day after day, the course of treatment is a half year. After treatment, they would have therapeutic evaluation,examination of FEVl% and serum acarican sIgE.Results Therapeutic evaluation after treatment the therapy group is 0.8±0.4, and the control group is 1.8±0.4, they have significance of difference. FEVl% after treatment the therapy group is (86±4)%, and the control group is (65±6)%,they have evidence of difference( P <0.01). Serum acarican slgE. In thetherapy group, about 83% turn negative, and in the control group, it is 10%,they have significance of difference( P <0.01).Conclusion It is very effective to use peroral acarican water by hypog1ottis oral desensitization to control clinic symptoms, to improve Lung function, to make acarcian sIgE turn negative.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers