目的 探讨耳源性脑脓肿的术式及适应证。方法 3 2例中 ,单纯穿刺 4例 ,为脓肿直径≤ 2cm者 ;钻孔引流 2 5例 ,为脓肿直径 3~5cm者 ;凡士林纱条填塞引流 3例 ,为脓肿直径≥ 6cm者。均先由耳科医师作乳突根治术 ,彻底清除乳突病灶。结果 3 2例全部治愈。结论 耳源性脑脓肿应根据脓肿的部位、大小及壁的厚薄选择术式。
Objective To discuss the operative ways to otogenic brain abscess and their indications. Methods There were 32 cases. Simple paracentesis was given to 4 cases with small abscess (diameter≤2cm), and drainage through bore to 25 cases with middle-sized abscess (between 3-5cm), and drainage through vaseline gauze padding to 3 cases with large abscess (diameter≥6cm). Operations were carried out on the basis of radical mastoidectomy. Results All the 32 cases were healed up.Conclusion Operative ways to otogenic brain abscess should be selected according to the size of the abscess, in addition to its location and thickness of envelope.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers