This paper describes the unique lithological association of serpentinite, rodingite and ophicar-bonate (SRO), and their genetic relationships in ophiolites. This rock association previously has not received much attention by researchers in China. Many of these rocks represent ancient oceanic crust, which has experienced seafloor alteration postdated the igneous activities, interaction with migrating melt/fluid before the ophiolite emplacement and a whole orogenic evolution after the emplacement. Study of this lithological association, therefore, could offer some insights into these processes. A brief review of research work done on this rock association worldwide is presented. Serpentinization of ultra-mafic members of ophiolite is resulted from hydration and oxidation of harzburgite, Iherzolite and du-nite. This process involves release of calcium, mainly from primary Ca-pyroxenes. Rodingitization is a process of calcium enrichment in mafic rocks enclosed in serpentinite. Rodingites are mainly composed of H2O-bearing and Ca-bearing silicate minerals such as hydrogarnet, diopside, vesuvianite, epidote group minerals and chlorite. Ophicarbonate rocks consist of highly brecciated and deformed fragments of ser-pentinized ultramafic rocks set in a matrix of carbonate (calcite, dolomite or magnesite). The carbonates were mainly precipitated from seawater-modified hydrothermal Ca-rich fluids involved in serpentiniza-tion. For a better understanding of the SRO association, rocks of Zermatt-Saas serpentinite complex of western Alps are used as examples to describe the evolution of mineral assemblages during an orogenic cycle. A detailed study of SRO association from Zermatt-Saas reveals that this ophiolite of Western Alps has experienced ocean-floor hydration, subduction-related high-pressure overprint, greenschist facies metamorphism and late hydrothermal alteration. Finally, some discussions on shortcomings in the research work of this lithological association and potential fields for further studies are also presented.
Earth Science Frontiers