AutoCAD绘图软件具有强大的绘图功能 ,在产品设计中起着重要作用。在实际应用中 ,通常需要对AutoCAD绘图软件进行二次开发。在电机工艺装备设计中运用AutoLISP语言编写出绘制工装图的通用程序 ,当电机型号发生变化时 ,只需改变部分设计参数 ,即可形成新的设计图样 ,缩短了电机工装设计的时间 。
The software of AutoCAD has powerful functions, and plays an important role in product designing. In practical use, it is usually developed at a second time. In the design of electrical machinery, Auto LISP language is used to write the general program of a technological equipment drawing, which is helpful to form a new design pattern with a partial change of the parameter when the electrical machinery model varies. The design time is saved and the efficiency is raised as well.
Liaoning Chemical Industry