目的 :了解和探讨常住人口与流动人口的围产保健现状。方法 :对 2 0 0 1— 2 0 0 2年发生的围产儿死亡进行回顾性分析。结果 :两年共分娩围产儿 2 116例 ,死亡 5 2例 ;常住人口的围产儿死亡率 8.2‰ ,流动人口围产儿死亡率 2 8‰ ,两者有显著差异。流动人口围产儿死亡中 ,85 .71%未行系统产前检查。如果做好围产期保健 ,流动人口中不可避免的围产儿死亡率为 8.5 7‰ ,与常住人口的平均水平相近似。结论 :流动人口的围产儿死亡率明显高于常住人口的平均水平 ,主要原因是缺乏围产期保健和临产后未到医院分娩 ;加强对流动人口的管理 ,提高她们的围产保健意识 ,可以降低围产儿死亡率。
Objective:To investigate and discuss actuality of perinatal care in local and floating population.Methods:We retrospectively analysed perinatal mortality from 2001 to 2002.Results:Among the 2116 labor during two years , perinatal mortality was 24.1‰ (died 52 cases) ; the local perinatal mortality was 802‰, the floating perinatal mortality was 28‰ . 85.71% (42 cases) of 49 cases perinatal mortality were without systemic antepartum examination. If made over of perinatal care , the unavoidable morinatal only were 8.57‰ which approach Beijing average .Conclusion:Floating population perinatal mortality rate was much higher than Beijing average , the lack of perinatal care and unwilling to labor in hospital were main cause ; enhance manage of Floating population , improve their consciousness of perinatal care , accordingly reduce perinatal mortality rate .
Aerospace Medicine