《横槊赋诗》)出自罗贯中《三国演义》第 4 8回。独具匠心的结构 ,曲折生动的故事情节 ,栩栩如生的人物性格 ,力求变化的行文 ,简洁优美的语言 ,多种多样的艺术手法 ,充分体现了小说美的生动内涵 ,真可谓文质兼美。
Having a Lance Sideward and Poetizing is one scene in the 48th Chapter of the historical novel of Three Kingdoms by Luo Guan-zhong. Its particular framework, tortuous and vivid plot, lively characters, varied composition, terse and fine language as well as its diversified artistic techniques have fully presented the lively connotation of novelistic beauty.
Journal of Yunnan Rty University