This paper reviews researches about limbal stem cells of the corneal ep ithelium in the past 20 years. Corneal epithelial stem cells are known to have a rapid self-renewing capacity. Studies of cellular differentiation and prolifera tion suggest that corneal epithelial stem cells are located exclusively in the b asal limbal epithelium between the cornea and the conjunctiva. The microenvironm ent of the limbus is considered to be important in maintaining the stemness of s tem cells. Limbal stem cells also act as a barrier to conjunctival epithelial ce lls and normally prevent them from migrating onto the corneal surface. Transplan tation of cultured corneal epithelium stem cells offers an important approach to the treatment of corneal stem cell deficiency or dysfunction. Corneal epithelia l stem cells will be a tool for reconstructing new corneal stroma and this may p rovide a basis for future study on the reconstruction of cornea.
International Eye Science