Aim To find out the clinic value of a modified lacrimal drainage devi ce in reestablishing the lacrimal passage's continuity and eliminating abnormal tearing in canalicular laceration. Methods Thirty patients (21 males, 9 females , ranging in age from 2 to 56) with canalicular laceration were treated with the modified lacrimal drainage device. The probes of the device were inserted into the lacrimal passage respectively from the superior and inferior puncta under to pical anesthesia. Then both probes were extracted guided under the guidance of i ntranasal endoscope while the tube was left in the lacrimal passage for 3 to 6 m onths. Then the tube was removed. Results We compared the result of the modifie d device with that of the epidural catheter intubation. In the modified lacrimal drainage device group, symptoms of tearing disappeared within 3-7 days after su rgery in 30 patients; Tear drainage was recovered and epiphora was eliminated af ter the tube removal in 29 cases. No complications were observed. The success ra te was 96.7%. But in the control group, the success rate was 90% and complicatio ns occurred. Conclusion The new lacrimal drainage device is effective in the tre atment of canalicular laceration.
International Eye Science