
磁共振成像在视神经炎诊断中的应用 被引量:3

Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of optic neuritis
摘要 目的探讨磁共振成像(MRI)对视神经炎的临床诊断价值。方法用MRI的短反转时间反转恢复序列(shorttautinversionrecovery,STIR)及液体衰变反转恢复序列(fluidattenuatedinversionrecovery,FLAIR)检查40例临床诊断为视神经炎的患者,20例不明原因的视神经病变患者,20例正常人。并应用临床流行病学方法进行评价。结果MRI的STIR成像法对原因不明的视神经病变的敏感性为71%,特异性为46%,阳性结果似然比为1.31;对神经炎的敏感性为83%,特异性为65%,阳性结果似然比为2.37。同时还发现,STIR成像法对判断有否视神经损害的特异性和阳性结果似然比相当高。结论MRI的STIR成像法是一种新型、有效的检查方法,有助于提高视神经炎的诊断水平。 Aim To explore the clinical value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosis of optic neuritis. Methods Forty patients with optic neuritis (ON ), 20 patients with optic neuropathy for unknown causes and 20 normal controls w ere examined with the short taut inversion recovery (STIR) and fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR). Results For optic neuropathy for unknown causes, th e sensitivity, specificity and positive result likelihood ratio (PRLR) of STIR w ere 71%, 46%, and 1.31 respectively. For the ON patients, the sensitivity, speci ficity and PRLR were 83%, 65% and 2.37 respectively. Meanwhile, in diagnosis of organic damage in the optic nerve, the specificity of STIR was 100% and its PRLR was remarkably great. Conclusion MRI is helpful in the diagnosis of optic neur itis.
出处 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2003年第4期41-42,共2页 International Eye Science
关键词 磁共振成像 MRI 视神经炎 诊断 流行病学 ON optic neuritis magnetic resonance imaging
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