198 5年 ,彼得·布鲁克导演的《摩诃婆罗多》在法国阿维农戏剧节上演。该剧改编自同名印度古代史诗 ,上演后引起强烈反响 ,也招致诸多批评。本文介绍该剧的演出 ,并对演出引发的所谓“布鲁克之东方主义”的批评进行一些分析和讨论。作者认为 ,在当代跨文化戏剧演出中 ,世界政治、经济、意识形态之现有规则和秩序的干扰固然不可回避。但在对作品进行评价时 ,对作者本人的主观意图 ,其作品中体现出来之文化隔阂与所谓“东方主义”仍须进行细致的区分。
Peter Brook's theatrical presentation of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata has become the subject of various kinds of criticism since its Avignon premier in 1985. This paper gives a brief description of the production and analyzes a selection of typical criticisms against it, especially that against the director's alleged 'Orientalism'. It concludes that while it is impossible to ignore the conditions imposed on any intercultural productions by present day politics, economies, and ideologies, it is equally important for any critical perspective to make a distinction between the intentions of their creators and the effects of their works.
Drama:The Journal of the Central Academy of Drama