AIM:To explore the methods o f dissociati on,culture in vitro and purification of olfactory ensheathing cell s(OECs )from adult guinea pig olfactory bulb s so as to lay foundations of fur ther rese arch on the biological characteristics of OECs and experiment of neura l regeneration based on experimental model o f adult guinea pig.METHODS:The ti ssue in the first two layers of o lfactory bulb was dissoci-ated carefully unde r anatomic micro scope,cut up and then incubated in 3mL /L collagenaseⅠfor 30min.After centrifuged,the ce ll pellet was dis-persed and the deposition was removed;the supernated fluid was initiall y purified with differential atta chm ent method before culture,and the fu rther purification was made with diges tiv e method from the 7th to 10th day after culture in vitro;and the purity of OECs was estimated and appraised by immunostaining positively for NGF r ecept or(p 75NGFR).RESULTS:The morphological features of OECs in vitro from adu lt guinea pig olfactory bulbs were basically s imilar to that of the cells from adult rats;and the OECs without purified were mo stly covered and replaced by p rolif-erated fibroblasts.While through r efined dissociation and synthetic p u rifica-tion both before and after culture,t he purity of OECs reached about 7 0%.Through refined dissociation and sy nthetic purification,a h igher purity of OECs from adult guin ea pig olfactory bulbs can be obtained,whi ch lays foundations of further re search on the biological characteristics of OE Cs and experiment of
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation