BACKGROUND:At pres en t,studies on hepatocellul ar carcinoma (HCC)are mostly confined to those on h uman HCC and the surrounding tissues.The biggest deficiency of these kinds of study methods is incapable of observ ing dynamically various changes of diff ere nt periods during the formation o f HCC.OBJECTIVE:To explore the expression of the apop tosis-inhibiting gene(survivin)and its mechanism of inhibiting apop tosis during the development of tree shrew liver cancer.DESIGN:The healthy w ildlife tree shrews were divided at randominto trial and the control groups.INT ERVENTION:For the trial group,animals were fed with AFB 1 (aflatoxin B 1 )till the 105th week,and then with normal animal food till the 150th week when experiment ended.For the contr ol group,animals were merely fed wit h normal animal food till the 150th wee k.During the experiment,biopsies o f the liver tissues were carried out at 30t h,60th,and 90th week in the two groups.The biopsy tissues were fixed in 40g /L formalehyde and embedded in paraf-fin.Whereafter,the tissue section s of the 30th,60th,and 90t h week from the control group and the 30th,60th week,and HCC from the tria l group,were stained with immunochemistry S-P me thod and terminal deoxynucleo tidyl transferase-mediated nick end labeling(TUNEL)technique,were for the su r-vivin gene expression and the apopto sis cells.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE:The exp ression of survivin gene and t he apoptosis ofcells inevery stage dur ing the de velopmentoftree shrewliv er cancer.RESULTS:The occurrence of HCC had relation wi th gene survivin whose ex-pression was in an increasing trend.The mean scor es of surviving gene ex-pression in the control group at 30th,60th and 9 0th week and in the trial group at 30th and 60th week were 0.62,0.7 7,0.92,1.02and 1.6respectively.The mean score in the HCC tissue s ections was 5.34,which had significant differ-ence compared with that in e ach group(t=3.0580,3.2564,3.0316,4.7715,3.803 6,P<0.01).The surviving expression has a negative correlati on with the apoptotic index and an effect on proh ibiting the cellular apoptosis .
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation