
JVT草案中的核心技术综述 被引量:15

An Overview of the Core Technology of JVT Draft’s
摘要 作为一种由ITU-T国际视频组织和ISO的MPEG小组联合推出的未来视频处理标准,JVT(joint video team)的主要功能是改进当前压缩标准,通过采用切图技术、高分辨率的亚像素技术以及不同尺寸的块和形状与使用多个参考图进行Intra/Inter预测编码等技术来降低码率,提高压缩质量和压缩效率.同时在网络层通过对信息的封装与优先级控制等技术来实现数据在不同网络之间的透明传输与网络友好.重点介绍了JVT草案中的核心技术,包括JVT体系结构、层次模型以及与VCL(video coding layer)和NAL(network abstraction layer)两层相关具有代表性的关键技术,分析和探讨了当前JVT存在的问题和进一步的研究方向. As one stream standard which will be produced by the ITU-T & ISO in the future, Draft JVT (joint video team) is a new video-audio coding standard. Its goal is to produce a significant compression performance relative to all the existing video coding standards in bit saving, procession quality and compression efficiency by some measures which include slice technology, high resolution variable pixels, different block sizes and shapes, intra/inter prediction and coding from multiple reference pictures, etc. On the other hand, JVT would be designed to offer a transparent translation over different networks and increase network friendliness by information encapsulation and precedence control technologies. Although the basic coding framework of the standard is similar to that of currently popular video standards, JVT includes many new coding features which are presented in the paper. First, a broad view on video-audio coding standards is given. Second, the structure of JVT is presented. Then, both the detailed technologies which improve on coding efficiency of the VCL (video coding layer) and the key terms which are used in NAL (network abstraction layer) are introduced, which is the core in the paper. Finally, the current problems and the challenges of JVT抯 future research are discussed and analyzed.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期58-68,共11页 Journal of Software
基金 中国博士后研究基金~~
关键词 JCL草案 视频编码层 网络抽象层 编解码器 比特率 网络友好 JVT (joint video team) draft VCL (video coding layer) NAL (network abstraction layer) codec bit rate network friendliness
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