随着可靠性技术及其工程概念的不断拓展,国际电工委员会(IEC)自1965年成立“电子元件和设备可靠性”的技术委员会(即TC56)以来,该技术委员会的名称及其国际标准的编制组织方法也都跟着不断改变。特别是自从1987年提出了可靠性标准的“工具箱”结构概念以后,可信性标准的编制内容及其结构体系发生了很大的变化。近年来,在IEC/TC 56的努力工作下,“工具箱”的可信性标准日趋完善,并已逐步构成一个可信性标准化体系。
Since its establishment in 1965, IEC/TC 56 has changed its name and its organization about the development of international standards, with the introduction of the ' kit' concept to reliability standards in 1987, the development and structure of dependability standards has changed a lot. And recently, the 'kit' dependability standards became a standardize system under the long term effort of IEC/TC 56.
Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing