满洲里作为中国内陆主要边境口岸之一 ,发展满洲里对俄罗斯的经贸发展不但推进了中俄经贸关系健康稳定的发展 ,而且还具有睦邻、富民与兴边的重要作用。本文从时空角度对满洲里开展对俄经贸合作的历史基础、区位条件及规划措施进行了实证研究 ,探讨了满洲里对俄经贸合作的现存问题 ,并提出促进双方经贸发展的建议和对策。
Manzhouli is one of main inland border ports inChina. The development of economic and trade cooperation with Russia is component of economic and trade relation between China and Russia. The situation of economic and trade relationship between China and Russia is better than that of China andSoviet Union though itsstart time is short. The development of economic and trade between border portsof Manzhouli and Russia is not only to promot stabilization of economic and trade in a certain extent but also to strengthen neighbor relation. At same time,Manzhouli port also became an important window for border economic relations between China and Russia. While, the cooperation scale between Manzhouli and Russia is very limited, but it has itself movement rule and well-defined region for border Characteristic. With the viewpoints of time and space, the locational condition, historial baseand planning program for developing the coopration relation between Manzhouli and Russia are analyzed in a case study in detail. Based of geoeconomic-politics and theory of international trade, the paper discusses the existing problems and puts forward some countermeasures for further development of border trade betweenManzhouli and Russia.
World Regional Studies