东北亚地区是一个工业化潜力极大的地区 ,伴随着工业化进程的区域一体化将更适应东北亚地区的地缘政治和地缘经济关系。开发建设图们江地区国际交通运输枢纽是东北亚地区一体化的关键 ,区域一体化的发展又能促使图们江地区国际交通运输枢纽地位的提高。为此 ,本文在对图们江地区国际交通运输枢纽的构成和物流潜力分析的基础上 ,提出了 2 0 2 0年前图们江地区国际交通运输枢纽的建设方案。
There is a huge industrialization potentiality inNortheast Asia. Regional integration following industrialization will be more suitable to the development of geopolitical and geoeconomic relations in NortheastAsia. It is the key to develop and construct international transport hub in Tumen River Area for regional integration in Northeast Asia, and the development ofregional integration will enhance the position of international transport hub in Tumen River Area. Therefore, based on the analysis on the composition and cargo flow potentiality of international transport hub in Tumen River Area, the authors put forward a program for the construction of international transport hub inTumen River Area by 2020.
World Regional Studies
科技部项目"图们江地区国际合作开发通道物流规划研究"(2 0 0 2DGZ0 0 0 0 49)部分成果